
What Can I Do With a Finance Degree?

If you want to make a career in finance, there are uncountable options that increase for you, only if you gain more education and experience on the job. Because finance is one of the top subjects which gives you both high earning potential and great graduate job options. If you really want to study finance, go for it without having any doubt, because there is a wide range of career options that you could pursue after you complete your graduation. Three categories of the finance field If we talk about the field of finance, there are mainly three categories of this industry. Public Corporate Personal Whether you talk about financial planning , investment banking or insurance, all the people who pursue careers in finance, pursuing a bachelor of science in finance is the first step that will enhance your financial career potential. So in this article, you will get to know about different types of finance degrees, career options in finance, the skill of the finance ma

What is a Bond in Finance

We usually come across the term “bond” when it comes to economic or financial matters. Most of the time, the term is used during some economic transaction by corporate or related to some governmental investment – usually seen as some sort of capital that aids in a transaction. This article is aimed at making our readers understand what exactly a bond means in finance. According to the Oxford dictionary, especially in terms of finance, a bond is a legal document or an agreement, usually given by the government or a company, which states that the institution is to pay a certain amount as an interest for the sum of money a person has lent to the particular institution. It can be considered as an instrument of an obligation of the issuer to its holder. In simple terms, it is a kind of loan, which is given to a company or a government, unlike the loans usually given by the government or a company. Though there are several types of bonds, two most used and the common types of bonds in

How Does the Web Speed Up Personal Finance?

The internet provides a wealth of information with just a few keystrokes. That’s evident simply by your reading of this blog. Fewer people today stop to open up a book or a newspaper when they want information quickly about something that intrigues them. Instead, they just go to a favorite news page. For example, what’s the weather like? Historically, getting weather information might have included a newspaper or a television newscast at the end of the day. But now you can get the current weather report and forecast by just simply typing “weather” into a search engine. While users may marvel at the wealth of information available with a click of a mouse, businesses have also tapped into that information flow and speed to improve the way businesses work. Companies have turned to the web not just to connect with more customers, but also to operate faster and more efficiently. The personal financial sector is evidence of how the internet has transformed the way lenders operate

5 Ways to Stay Out of Debt in 2013

Debt Free Living in 2013 Financial times are tough in 2013, and they don’t seem to be getting drastically better for the average consumer. The unfortunate thing is that most of us are in fact “average consumers” — we have limited income and rising expenses, and we’re faced with a “new normal” of rising costs and stagnant earning potential. People who live in these scenarios usually have debt playing into their situation in one of two ways: First: They overspent when times were good, and now that things are a bit tight, the debt and interest have piled on to their monthly expenses and have become almost impossible to pay off. Second: As a result of tough economic times, people have resorted to going into debt to pay bills or even to maintain a certain level of luxury in their life, and have managed to ring up a large amount of debt in that fashion. Regardless of where you land on that spectrum, the goal is to get and stay out of debt . Whether you’ve already gone down this

Are Personal Loans Bad? Not Always

Personal loans are not always bad. If you work with a reputable lender, use the loan for the right reasons and can commit to paying it back, then a personal loan can be a smart option. On the other hand, if the loan you’re considering comes with a triple-digit interest rate, and you have limited or unsteady means to pay it back, then a personal loan will do you more bad than good. What is a personal loan? A personal loan is money borrowed from a lender that you pay back with equal monthly payments, or installments, over a fixed period, typically two to seven years. You can get personal loans from banks, credit unions and online lenders. In return for borrowing, you pay interest on the loan. Interest rates on personal loans range from about 6% to 36%. Borrowers with good to excellent credit (above 690 on the FICO scale) are more likely to qualify and receive a rate at the lower end of that range. If your credit is bad, you can boost your chances of qualifying by building your credit a

How Do You Know When You're Ready To Buy A Home?

Buying a house is one of the largest financial decisions of your life; but how do you know when you're ready to buy a home? 5 questions to help you find out. Amber bought her home at 25 years old, almost immediately after I purchased my house. She couldn’t let her baby brother be the only homeowner in the family. After all, owning a home is the American dream, isn’t it? My sister proudly moved into her house and quickly filled it with more Ikea furniture than a Swedish hostel an

4 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money and How to Get It Straight

The lies we tell ourselves about finances can cost us big. Here's how to change course. Most of us lie to ourselves. Psychologists put it down to something called cognitive dissonance, the uncomfortable tension we feel when our behavior does not match our beliefs. We know that we should save for the future, protect our credit scores, and build wealth, so when we don't do it, we come up with lies to make ourselves feel better. Here are some of the biggest whoppers we tell ourselves and how to straighten them out: Lie No. 1: I'll begin saving next year Truth: It never feels like the right time to save money. Perhaps your bills are due, there are things you want to buy, or the people you love need cash. We tell ourselves we'll start saving next year, believing we'll have more money to spare. The problem is, next year will bring the same financial responsibilities and temptations, if not more. And saving money -- even if it's just a little at a time -- o

How Does Credit Work? What You Need to Know

When it comes to making big purchases like buying a home or financing a business, knowing and understanding your credit is super important! Your creditworthiness is used to determine your eligibility for “pay to use” services like your contract cell phone or your apartment rental. It’s also used to determine your interest rate on your credit cards and loans. Some employers may even use your credit report as a determining factor when considering you for a job! Given how important your credit is, let's get into how it all works. What is credit history? Your credit score is a part of your credit report, which is based on your credit history. Your credit history is a compilation of all credit cards and loans you’ve ever had, all the way back to that first credit card you signed up for in college in order to get the free t-shirt (been there, done that!). It’s the history of how (well) you've paid your bills in the past. And, as I said before, your credit score is a grading given

The Most Simple and Reliable Ways to Quickly Pay off Your Student Loan

Debt for student loan has reached at its all-time peak of the total of 1.41 trillion in the year 2019, so here you aren’t the only one, (in case you were too anxious). A large sector of economy is keen on helping Americans know about appropriate ways to clear out large student debts , and a lot is there to learn that you can start after reading such interview to know about the basics. You can learn and consider a lot of options while thinking about various ways for how to pay off student loans. Some Key Takeaways to Pay off Student Loans It has to be critical for you to notice big picture: Firstly, know about the total sum that you currently owe and to whom you owe this, in addition to your total rate of interest and monthly payment for all loans. Figure out the best possible schedule for repayment for the situation - either it can be slow or quick. Payments should be made during the grace period - This can be towards the whole amount for loan or for at least the due i

What Credit Score is Needed to Buy a House?

If you are planning to buy or mortgage a house, then you should check your credit score. You will have to know your credit score. It is a good idea and you should get this idea for so many reasons. This score plays a major role in order to buy house. It is not only essential for the initial qualifications for a loan but the score also influences the down payment structure. Credit score can also determine the factors such as interest rate and other related costs that you need to pay in order to obtain a mortgage loan. You will have to know that a good credit score is needed to buy a house. It also depends on the types of mortgage loans. You will have to learn about the needed score and improve the credit in order to submit a mortgage application. What is the minimum credit score? There are several types of mortgage loans available in the market. Each mortgage loan needs minimum amount of credit score. Some lenders have strict criterion in order to determine the creditworth