Get the Loan You Want: Optimize Your Credit

Better credit can unlock possibilities: qualifying for the loan or credit card you want, getting a better interest rate or lower car insurance rates, even getting an apartment you want.
Let NerdWallet help you get there!
Add 100 points to your credit score: Wait, is that even possible? Yes, it is, especially if you’re starting out with plenty of room to grow. It just takes a bit of time and knowledge to choose the right strategies.
Know that lenders look at more than your score. Find out what other factors could play into getting the loan or card you want. And check those “adverse action” notices you got — they’ll provide a roadmap to why you were rejected, so you know where to focus your efforts.
As you build your credit, check your score frequently to stay on track. NerdWallet offers tips and goal-setting — and you can check your score as often as you like, so you’ll know when you’re ready to reapply.
To read more, visit the original post: Get the Loan You Want: Optimize Your Credit.
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